Monday, March 18, 2019

"Social media is a tool you use."

I have long believed and advocated that
" can’t build the foundation of your business on someone else’s platform...You need a website and to be building an email list. These are assets that are yours..." 

That quote is from a 2019 article written by Kimanzi Constable titled "Facebook and Instagram Going Dark Should Be a Wake Up Call for Entrepreneurs."

This post is based on Constable's words.

His subtitle is "Social media is a tool you use. Your website and your email list are assets you own."

Constable says, "In this Digital Age that we live in, you need two important assets to build a thriving business. You need a website and to be building an email list. These are assets that are yours. When you build the foundation of your business on other people’s platforms -- such as social media -- you are giving up the control of your business." (Emphasis mine)


My visual image of your website is that of an anchor for everything else you do on the Internet.

What many people do not realize is that even free web site hosts like wix and are themselves behaving like social media: you don't own and control their platform.

Example: A local genealogy society used free services from to host parts of their Internet presence. But Ancestry found a security flaw and shut down that area for over a year. The group was locked out of accessing their data!

You should own your own website even if you are planning a YouTube channel or a Facebook business page or an Amazon store.

The obvious place to start is with registering your own domain name. That runs under $20/year, and is a cheap investment.

Next, create an email address with that domain name. 

For example, you can reach me at Rick.Jaggers-@t-ABCInc.wp. The secret is that this address is a forwarder, and incoming email is forwarded to the mailbox I check every day.

Within a few minutes of registering a domain, you should have a web address and an email address that you can start using immediately. These go on taglines, signature blocks, and business cards.

The next steps are more involved. 
  • You'll have to arrange hosting, and install a content manager (e.g. WordPress). This should only take another hour.
  • Finally, pour in your content. SEO will be based on the quality of your content. Video is the newest "in thing" on the Internet. Yadda-yadda-yadda (That's my way of saying this subject can go on and on and on and on...)

Constable goes on to say "Your website is where you should send potential customers to see your expertise and start the process of knowing, liking, and trusting you. They should be able to sign up for your email list because they might not be ready to buy at that moment. With them on your email list, you can nurture them and add value through your content. That’s what will lead to the sale later."

The author touches on two more points in greater detail than I mention here:
  • Have a diverse marketing plan. "A strong marketing plan mixes in many elements and mediums."
  • Never stop building your audience. "The ability to reach your audience will determine the success of your business."

Recommended read (2-minutes):

~~ Enjoy!

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